Suddenly I Woke Up To A Fairytale

I had this plan to go into the mountains for some time already. Got this idea from Bilbo Beggins. Kidding. I have spent summers on the beach, in the amazing cities, driving through countries and even in the desert. Never spent a summer in the mountains though. So, I thought that summer in the mountains for the girl traveling alone should be amazing.

And it is.

I am here almost for a week already. Every day I wake up I feel like in a fairy tale. Every morning I open my window and see the mountain tops. No cars, no people voices, just birds and bees, flowers everywhere. And cows with their bells singing all over the entire mountains.

I drink my coffee. I do my yoga. We go with Raketa (my dog) for a walk. Usually, a long one cause I tend to get lost in the mountains šŸ˜ƒ Map takes time to sink into my brain šŸ˜€ It is the best training I have ever had. Good for the legs and ass. Honestly.

Then I get to work. No distractions. Just amazing views.

Some may think that a life of the girl traveling alone is not safe.

Some may think that a life of the girl traveling alone is not safe. Especially if she lives alone on the mountain. Well, because she is aloneā€¦Though I am the girl traveling alone for ten years, I still feel in the reactions of others that it is strange and inherently flawed in some way for a woman to be alone. That somehow a man should be added to this picture. Then everything will be right and bright again. Rainbows and unicorns. Really I still feel uneasy even writing about it. This blog post took me three days and like 16 updates…I still can’t put this into words. Even though I know that being alone is good for your mind and heart, I still feel uneasy admittingĀ it publicly. This is what public pressure does to a woman’sĀ heart… and it makes me sad because definitely, I am not the only one fighting this.

As Jim Carrey said Solitude is dangerous. Itā€™s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realize how peaceful and calm it is. And he is right. Solitude is an expensive pleasure and magic in this world.Ā No need to pretend. No need to wear a mask. But so many things to read, learn, get acquainted withā€¦ Ladies fighting the same internal fight as I should keep your thoughts on this. This is our time.

Elephant in the room

And yes, let’s addressĀ the elephant in the room. AĀ man could be a nice addition to the picture but only if you ladies, want him to be. Not for safety, for everyday chores, not because of publicĀ pressure. But because he wants to share that picture with you, and you also want him to.

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  1. Dineo on 24 July 2018 at 18:29

    Woow…well written piece…u cut to the core of the issue…women are always pressured to be with someone or its because u are flawes if u are on your own…but for men…aloneness is associated with freedom, for women? loneliness. This should be unlearned and untaught…

  2. Aiste Ridikaite on 24 July 2018 at 19:04

    Yes, Dineo! We’ve come a long way seeking for equal opportunities, but some things still remain. And from my experience, mostly in our hearts…So we still have some work to do. With ourselves šŸ™‚